KARMA ROCK'S "Double Life"
/A big congrats to @karmarocknyc for releasing his first single, "Double Life." And congrats to @manuelarana for producing, directing, and editing the official music video.
I am inspired by you both— to build upon your own creative callings and ideas and turn them into something real and tangible is one thing, but to put it out there for anyone and everyone to access is another level. I know that takes a whole lot of heart and a whole lot of guts— again, congratulations! Thanks for having me jump in to assist with the video— I probably enjoyed the lighting mixer board more than I should have:) Also, Trisha, I love you— you are so fab.
Check out the music video below and download/stream "Double Life" here: https://www.karmarockofficial.com/music
Words by Karma Rock:
Produced by "Manuela Rana Photography"
Executive Production and Film Direction/Editing: Manuela Rana
Video Assistant: Kristin Aytona
Clothing: Shop Untitled NYC
Thanks to: TRISHA BORDEAUX (Main Actor), TONY BLACK, and ILAN HAREL, Even Headphones and all the staff of the NYC Even Pop Up Store and Patisserie Tomoko NYC.